The goal of this workshop is to create a place for the community representatives and thought leaders from all the localities participating in The RAFT in a region to come together to create a short-term (one year) Resilience Action Checklist. Before the regional workshop, The RAFT Team reviews the findings from localities' Scorecards and identifies the “low-hanging fruit” for improving resilience. At the workshop, the localities break out into focused discussion groups to uncover how they can build on their current strengths, brainstorm opportunities, and identify 3 to 5 top opportunities for the next year to increase resilience in the face of environmental, economic, and social challenges. The large group then reconvenes to discuss regional sharing of information and resources and maximizing impact across all of the localities. This broad discussion is then followed by breakout sessions with locality discussion groups to identify an implementation team, create a timeline for implementing the Resilience Action Checklist, coordinate logistics with the RAFT Team (e.g., timeline for Implementation Team meetings), and discuss next steps, while allowing for open collaboration and opportunity for feedback throughout the process.
2020 Northern Neck Evaluation Session Summary: