Faculty Affiliate

Welcome! We’re so glad you are interested in working with us. The RAFT is a 3-university partnership that supports Virginia localities in their efforts to become more resilient. To build resilience, localities need capacities in a wide variety of areas, such as:

  • Emergency Management
  • Infrastructure
  • Economic Development
  • Floodplain & Stormwater Management
  • Planning & Policy
  • Public Health

Faculty Webinar:

You are invited to join an informational webinar on February 5, from 1pm to 2:30 pm, about an initiative to create a multi-university faculty roster that can serve on-the-ground resilience needs of Virginia communities.  

Please register below so that we have an accurate record of attendees and can follow up accordingly afterward! If you cannot make this session and are interested in RAFT, please reach out to your corresponding RAFT university Core Team member or, if not at a RAFT university, please email Meredith Keppel so we can follow up with you individually.

Registration link: https://virginia.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Yb-xu_mXSuGZwy9CHezYxw

The 3-Step Process:

Step 1: Holistic Assessment of Locality’s Resilience

  • Aims to make a simple, accessible, & objective assessment​ using qualitative & quantitative methods

Step 2: Helping the Community Set Priorities

  • Uses community workshop​s to create a Resilience Action Checklist (RAC)

Step 3: Implementation

  • Implementation Team (partners in community and at university, including relevant faculty affiliates) works to pursue RAC items​

Read More about the RAFT process >>


Resilience is the capacity to anticipate threats, reduce a community’s vulnerability, and respond to and recover from hazardous events and chronic stresses.

Interest Form

The RAFT team is so glad that you are interested in working with us to support community-driven resilience work in Virginia. In order to assess whether your interests align with The RAFT process, we ask that you fill out the interest form below. This will help us get to know you better so we can be prepared when we reach out!

Best time in the week to contact you
Please include title and course number (add as many as are relevant).
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Enter the characters shown in the image.

This website, Task # 92.03 was funded by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Environmental Quality through Grant # NA17NOS4190152 
of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. The views expressed
herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, or any of its subagencies.

This project is currently a partnership between the Institute for Engagement & Negotiation at the University of Virginia, the Institute for Coastal Adaptation and Resilience at Old Dominion University, and the Center for Coastal Studies at Virginia Tech. The former Virginia Coastal Policy Center at the William & Mary Law School participated in this partnership from 2015 until June 2023.


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