
The RAFT is grateful to the following advisors for their guidance and feedback: 

University of Virginia: Theresa Krueggeler, Karen McGlathery, Jenny Roe, Alex Wall, Guoping Huang, Matthew Reidenbach, Phoebe Crisman

William & Mary: Carl Hershner, Sarah Stafford, Molly Mitchell

Old Dominion University: Joshua Behr, Emily Steinhilber

Virginia Tech: Erin Ling, Julie Shortridge

Louisiana State University: Jori Erdman

Local Government Representatives: David Imburgia (City of Hampton), Greg Johnson (City of Virginia Beach), Ben McFarlane (HRPDC), Lewie Lawrence (MPPDC), Curt Smith (ANPDC)

NGO Advisors: Skip Stiles (Wetlands Watch), Mary Carson Stiff (Wetlands Watch), Nissa Dean (Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay), Chris Moore (Chesapeake Bay Foundation)

State Agencies:  Kristin Owen (DCR), Charley Banks (DCR), Gina Dicicco (DCR), Sharon Baxter (DEQ), Shep Moon (Virginia CZM Program), Laura McKay (Virginia CZM Program)

Pilot Community Advisors:  Brent Manuel (Cape Charles), Anne Ducey-Ortiz (Gloucester County), and Brian Swets (City of Portsmouth) 


The RAFT has benefited significantly from the contributions of current and former students from the Institute for Engagement & Negotiation at the University of Virginia and the Virginia Coastal Policy Clinic (VCPC) at William & Mary Law School. 

This website, Task # 92.03 was funded by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Environmental Quality through Grant # NA17NOS4190152 
of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. The views expressed
herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, or any of its subagencies.

This project is currently a partnership between the Institute for Engagement & Negotiation at the University of Virginia, the Institute for Coastal Adaptation and Resilience at Old Dominion University, and the Center for Coastal Studies at Virginia Tech. The former Virginia Coastal Policy Center at the William & Mary Law School participated in this partnership from 2015 until June 2023.


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